WATCHING FOR SECRETS by Matthew Williams
SUBJECT: R.A.F. Base - BRAWDY, West Wales.
Note: Some of this article is based on my speculation which although not yet proven, I put forward for investigation.
In the Book "THE WELSH TRIANGLE" by Peter Pagent, talk is made of the Royal Air Force base at Brawdy in West Wales. He makes observations of UFO's hovering/landing without authorisation in or near the base and entering or hovering about the sea nearby.
The Author states that it is his own belief, and that of his sources, that the Oceanographic Base owned by Americans at Brawdy was infact a little more involved than it's description. He speculated that there were arrays of wires that led from Brawdy down to the Sea.
He believed that the UFO's were interested in the purpose of the Base for the same reasons as he was... What was going on and what were these wires going down to the sea?
Speculation was also that the Base had a Nuclear involvement in the capacity of hydrophonic sounding or listening out into the Atlantic. Due to the secrecy surrounding the bases activities it was not possible to confirm any of this at the time of writing the book.
This book was written some time ago, but I have kept an eye on the activities of this base in as much as he authorities have always played it down.
Brawdy used to be a training centre for Jet Aircraft, although is easily accessible by road, and viewable from Roads which run close to the base - secrecy still surrounds some of the things going on inside. (Such is the military eh?) Also I have driven past the base once.
I was suspicious by the way a couple of years ago that the Ministry of Defence announced that Brawdy was going to be closed! My eyes opened wide when I heard of this, partly because of what Pagent said in his book. (You will have to read the book!)
My instinct and experience was to not listen to this "shutting" or "scaling down" talk. Instead I discussed the situation with a friend of mine who had an interest in the base like myself because of the previous UFO history. I bet my freind, that the base would not close and infact if there was an American interest inside which was not going to leave (which was still secret) then it was probably a play down attempt.
I wanted very much to take a trip up this summer just to see what was going on, and if there was some sort of reason for playing the base down... I didn't get round to it unfortunately but my gut feeling was that there may have been reason to visit now especially.
On the 6th December 1993 on H.T.V (TV channel for Wales) in the news at 6.00PM there was a report about Brawdy. A Whale expert was requesting recordings of Whalesong etc. for his studies, from as many sources as he could. Somehow either he got in touch with the Americans at Brawdy or, I think they actually got in touch with HIM!!! The Americans supplied him with as much Whalesong as he could handle, also additional data about the whales movement patterns. He was over the moon!
The explanation of where they got the material... Remote listening devices off the coast from Brawdy!!! Both my friend and I couldn't believe it, yet the story gets better.
The reporter spoke to the Whale researcher who explained that in brief contacts he had made with Brawdy officials he had learned that the Sea Devices had been there for quite some time, since "1960 something" I think was said! The Brawdy site was unique and ideal for such devices due to its open view out onto the Atlantic. He was told by officials that listening for nuclear submarines or other vessels was the purpose, and that they could be tracked well out into the middle of the Atlantic!!
Also the Americans who operated the equipment were in their spare time using the equipment to follow the activities and locations of Whales out in this area, and on one occasion they used the gear to pick up sounds emanating from the whale and were able to track it for 40 days by which time it had travelled to Bermuda!
The news reporter then tried on many separate occasions on many different levels to gain access to the base to talk to the engineers or officials about the interesting Whale stuff and perhaps see some of the equipment used.
They didn't want to know him. Repeated attempts at even very low key discussions on the matter were refused. This did puzzle the reporter, but not to a great degree. (He wasn't seeing the full picture, even from the point of view of the submarine listening station point of view!)
(Note: I cannot remember if the researcher got access to the base. I think he did not. He was given the tapes and data by some other means.)
Why not talk to the reporter? The secret (if it was really a big one anyhow) was out! After all they had released the tapes to the researcher, along with other data. Why not speak to the reporter?
I think they weren't sure what exactly the reporter was after and did not want to allow any access until the situation had been assessed. Perhaps this release of the Whalesong tapes was not sanctioned by the higher ranking officials? It is common Military policy to block any attempts by individuals to access out bases out of public viewing periods anyhow. Recently a similar tactic was used on Scofields Quest (UK TV Program) when the reporter wanted to gain access to the Rudloe Manor Underground "Town". [see Secrecy Shakedown article -ED]
Perhaps there is even more going on that they don't want disclosed! If you remember me saying about my Play Down theory... Well this story would mean media attention. If this is the case, somebody is probably in a lot of trouble for revealing this much as Talking Nuclear Secrets is still very much no go territory.
The equipment used in the process of multiple signal tracking in hundreds of thousands of miles of water full of other ambient noises and commercial traffic must be space-age-plus technology indeed, especially with all the calculations and references that must have to be made. Does this imply that such equipment, which was years ahead of it's time, was kept quiet or is such long range underwater detection commonplace? Has this equipment been around in other secret Nuclear Tracking Stations since the 1960's - after all if it was so commonplace surely private organisations would be tracking whales for research purposes aswell!
Very strange though isn't it that they have had equipment like that since the 1960's. Our friend Peter Pagent wasn't far off the mark. This is my point - Mr Pagent was very close to the truth. It is a shame that until things come out officially, the public won't accept them. It is a shame that many of the UFO stories and informants get so much hassle when they could well be telling the facts straight! (It is also a shame that I don't know who Peter Pagent is because I would like to have a talk to him. I cannot say to having heard of him speaking at UFO lectures. Any ideas?)
Still to this day, no member of the public has seen what goes on at the American "Ocean Research!" facility as far as I am aware. Only rumours circulate as to it's full potential and it other uses ie: Could the base also be interested in tracking UFO's underwater? Please do not forget that by admission they have tracked objects out as far as Bermuda and since the 1960's!
Still it serves as a lesson in listening to wild tales in old UFO books. Just another example of how it all comes out in the end...
Somebody called Tom Frost from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in San Augustin New Mexico USA recently commented to me as follows when I started to pose some of these questions.
"Well Matthew this station is/was part of the U.S. Navy S.O.S.U.S. Network this network is used to track submarines (yes, and ALSO whales and other "biologicals") all over the Atlantic Ocean... Especially through the G-I-UK gap (Greenland, Iceland, & United Kingdom) that the former Soviet Navy would have used to threaten NATO shipping."
This article raises some interesting points but perhaps you can provide more interesting points or stories. Anybody for the challenge?
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