(our mysterious Guru who whishes to remain anonymous speaks out)
{photo of mystery man included in Hardcopy version}
Since the dawn of civilization, there have been reports of UFO's in the skies of the Earth, such reports predate crop circles, the abominable snowman and even income tax!! What is happening out there man? Are we really being watched by beings from somewhere other than Earth - who apparently have our best interests at heart?
Cave drawings from early times show bright discs floating in the sky and almost all civilizations from many parts of our world carry stories of unknown objects in the skies and in more recent times we have staggering numbers of reported sightings from all over the world.
Many of these reports come from highly respected people, some of whom are in high profile positions and who have been reluctant to disclose their experiences in case of scorn and ridicule from their closed minded and blinkered contemporaries.
Reports are listed from doctors, solicitors, pilots, sea-captains, high ranking military personnel, politicians, police and many people within civil service professions, even VAT inspectors. Are we to believe that they were all hallucinating or trying to fool the rest of the world with their consistant reports. Most of these reports are available in text form and it is not my wish to go into means of verification, or even to list the various sources and repositories of information as all are available upon request from the editors of this magazine.
My hope is to just invite the general public to open their minds a little and give some serious consideration to the implications of these reports.
If after such deliberations you decide to label them as bunkum, all well and good - but try not to dismiss them as such without first giving it some thought.
Many reports reach us about Governmental knowledge of things which are concealed from the general public, and even of "dis-information" circulated in order to persuade us to leave this subject alone; but can we really afford to ignore the tales of abductions, genetic interference, cattle mutilations, alien observation and infiltration?
If only a very small percentage of these reports are true, then surely the implications are far to important and potentially significant for us all to just ignore them.
We have all heard and read the stories of little green men from Mars and bug eyed monsters from Venus and various other types and we need to be able to separate the obvious "stories for entertainment" from the serious reports and articles which attempt to investigate a phenomena the appearances of which are becoming more and more frequent.
Despite regular ministerial denials and top level ridicule from Governments around the world it seems obvious that something is happening and that the powers that be are deliberately and arbitrarily stating that we, the public, have no right to know what is going on, is this true?
Only we, the public can answer this question and if the answer is positive, can force the issue to the point where its full disclosure must be made and apart from carrying out our own investigations and observations, I believe that we have the right to expect knowledge of the results of higher level investigations. At the end of the day it is we, the public, who are financing such investigations.
Anyway, its all bunkum, there is no one out there watching us, UFO's are a myth and all reports are complete fabrications - aren't they? -
Well aren't they??
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