by Matthew Williams
It has become apparent to me over the last few years that although the cold war is over, spending money on weapons and armies and secret black projects has gone through the roof.
I was distressed to hear about MI5's (Military Intelligence Group 5, U.K.) were given One Hundred and Fifty Million pounds to purchase and refurbish a new Headquarters for themselves recently. What sickens me is the fact that the offices are furnished with the very best furniture (antique or antique reproduction), walls were then oak covered, floors were all royal carpeted. The new HQ has now got Hotel rooms available for other travelling spies, rooms which are of a standard higher than the London Ritz. A new document-rail system to save the spies from having to walk down to the vaults, a mere 1.5 million.
Employees have the luxury of their own subsidised bar which is literally one of the most exclusive in London (unknown how you gain membership?).
*"The British public have no right to know such things"*
The point is that the tax payer has to bear the burden of it's cold war spies who have always "lived it up" but who now can live it up even more thanks to UK secrecy laws. Thank goodness for those Civil Servants prepared to leak this sort of information. UK secrecy laws unlike the United States make it illegal to possess information relating to secret project military spending. The British public have no right to know such things which is a throwback to the days of total rule dictator government. (We in the UK, as subjects, are considered to be property of the state.)
Isn't it a shame there is so much that happens that we are unallowed to know. Now the gritty part. There was a reason why I I started this document with references to the way MI5 are treated. MI5 are also the people who get involved if you start to dig around to try and find out about secrets of any kind.
MI5's role is "The Security Service", which means security of the country. It's tasks relate to internal security although it can often stumble upon information which relates to foreign powers activities, but this is often passed on to MI6 - "The Secret Service", which deals mainly with foreign affairs.
So if you are Joe Bloggs, UFO researcher and you are sticking your nose in to secret bases and trying to find out what goes on there, you are likely to be checked up on by MI5 at some point or another. If you are the type of researcher who goes one step further and tries to gain access to bases and forcibly tries to gain access to information then you are seen as an upmost threat and will probably have your house bugged and your phone line tapped. You may be threatened (or payed off?) and depending upon where you work your job security may come on the line!
*"Kill a United Kindom Prime Minister."*
The comical thing now is that you have no right to try to stop this activity because it is seen to be in the interests of National Security. All this can start to make you very paranoid, and to a degree it should! These things do happen, even politically active people have their phone's tapped, and was it not MI5 that got involved in the infiltration of the Unions in order to try and destroy them at Margaret Thatchers request? Was it not MI5 that plotted to kill a United Kindom Prime Minister?
It makes you wonder who is worse, the Security Service, or the moles who leak out this information for the betterment of the countries masses. Who is the bigger criminal?
There is very little oversight on Establishments such as MI5 and MI6, they tend to run on their own agendas a lot of the time although to a degree can be steered by high ranking politicians. The point is that organisations such as MI5 can and do have agendas which are higher than those it is officially given and sometimes different to that of the government in power.
The politicians change here and there but some things stay the same - the civil service and the military. The ability of these organisations to run on their own with hidden agendas is great because they quite often have the ability to hide behind secrecy laws. They are also given funding, no questions asked.
MI5 also works out of an office in Rudloe Manor and it is suspected that Ultra Secret projects also have "compartments" there. It has been suggested that the secrecy and covert protection given to Rudloe Manor (HQ Provost and Security Services) is because the place is the second control point of the UK's defences and security. It may infact be the highest point of security in the UK.
It is a known fact that covert agents work out of Rudloe Manor. This I find quite amusing because I have not seen any "Anti Photography" signs pinned up outside the Manor. This could be an attempt to throw the scent away from this base onto the nearby bases which are given such protection - the truth being that the ones without such security warnings are the real ones you should be wishing to photograph!
*"came out of nowhere"*
Many people have speculated that Rudloe Manor is used for many things, Timothy Good's book "Above Top Secret" is a very entertaining read and gives insight into the covert base security there - he walked the base perimeter and was taken in for questioning by guards that "came out of nowhere".
Could it be that we have a base equal to the security equivalence of Groom Lake dealing with UFO reports and Top Security issues which is available to be viewed directly from over a fence, secure in the fact that people do not know what it is and what it does. Not any longer thank god.
Here is my idea of what goes on at Rudloe Manor...
Every single piece of high level information must pass through it. Covert agents work from there. Secret "group busting" plots are hatched there. It's underground facilities are linked to the nearby "Underground Town" (Corsham Railway Tunnel is one access point little spoken of). RAF Lyneham is less than 10 minutes down the road and is used for the shipment of V.I.P's to and from the "Town" which is controlled by Rudloe Manor. The Royal Houses at Gloucester are quite nearby and in an emergency the Royals would be brought from London to Corhsam to hide in the bunker "town".
Now you are armed with the above information, you can do your own research into these dark and mysterious areas. Take heart in the fact that although Rudloe Manor is one of the most secret places in the country, and houses the best operatives, you can spy on it over the fence and see all the operatives cars parked and delight with taking their registration plates knowing that you are in turn being observed from some control room.
You can also spy on the operatives and photograph them, and you can revel in thrill as you know you are being watched by Military Security, both nearby to the fences and also when you drive off later in your car.
Points to look for when you are being followed in your car - look out for the same vehicles passing you - they tend to do this only twice but new cars will replace them and these will pass twice also. You can even play clever and follow these cars and squeal with delight as you watch them drive back inside Rudloe Manor (Even disguised vehicles and works vehicles are used! Last time I was there I saw a chimney sweep's vehicle following me - the final time I saw it, it was going back inside - guess where.)
So this is where our money goes. Don't forget that every time you spy on such a base, you cannot keep your information to yourself. It places you in greater risk and keeps everybody else in the dark. (Remember the Zircon satellite scandal. Hey Britain doesn't have spy satellites, does it?) You can always send information anonymously to this magazine or alternatively to a UFO research group, they will try to disseminate what they can.
Don't keep things to yourself - we need to speedup the secrecy busting process.
Keep watching small bases, these can often turn out to be high secrecy installations which are kept very quiet. I work by the rule that it is a probablity if UFO's are seen over these bases then they may have Nuclear connections. (D'Notices are often given out to stop this type of info hitting the national press. After all Greenham Common is the only Nuclear Air-capable site in the UK isn't it? Duh.) Everybody has a part to play and perhaps one day the lid will be blown off all the secrecy that exists in this country, by way of all the secrets being exposed.
The public does have a right to know where Nuclear Arms are stored, also where UFO research is carried out as well as where the VIP scum nuclear attack "towns" are underground. Why should we all die in ignorance - lets take back what is ours by right..
Matthew Williams
to the Truthseekers Edition 1 Index