Exploring the links between the spiritual consciousness, the realities of UFO's, the symbolism of the Crop formations and the great Cosmic intelligence may take us to the realms of undreamt of possibilities.....
Since a very young age, I found myself fascinated by the more enchanted angles of existence. Life wasn't only something to be experienced, but something to be discovered. When I should have been knuckling down to secondary school studies, I was instead day dreaming about the endless possibilities life had to offer. I became increasingly intrigued by the human consciousness.
I felt that my own mind was a treasure trove of goodies just waiting to be unlocked. My mind rebelled against the idea that it was only good for remembering mathematics, english geography etc. so that when you left school you could enter into a working life endlessly pursuing lifes' materialistic little comforts. By the age of fourteen I had already come to the conclusion that I didn't want to fit into such a bass way of thinking. It horrified me to know that the great human thought pool revolved entirely around small square pieces of paper and round pieces of metal.
This alienated me in many ways from my classmates, but it didn't really bother me as I was happy with my solitude.
If asked to put a finger on an age when I started to take an interest in UFOlogy, I would say it was when I was eight years old when I witnessed along with my family and neighbours a group of silver objects clustering over a forest about seven miles away. The setting sun glinted off their silver exteriors and it was really hard not to miss these extraordinary objects.
From that day on, I was avidly into all sorts of science fiction books and television programmes. The thought of advanced lifeforms travelling among the stars and visiting our world thrilled me to the soul. I guess, as some people would say, I lost it way back then. But why not? Why was it not possible that some ancient race infinitely older than mankind had developed the means to hop from star to star? Would we not, when technologically advanced enough seek out new life and new civilizations - to boldly go where no-one has gone before?
I could not understand the Sue Blackmores of life, continually trying to live in an isolated universe, and also continually trying to convince others that this was a correct and positive way of thinking along the way. Thankfully, times are changing and so are peoples attitudes. I will never forget somebody saying to me once that they could not see any good coming out of the decrepit state of the world. At first I nodded in agreement, but then it hit me like a ton of bricks... Of course there was!
When people are at their lowest ebb, and times become so desperate that near anarchy breaks loose within their lives, that's when they suddenly realise that they have been conditioned and taught to take the shit that gets continually thrown at them, and that they have unconsciously been functioning like some kind of robot, asking no questions.
It is then, at that point of desperation that they reach out for something else with all the strength that they can muster. It is as if they have been reborn. Suddenly they have direction and freedom to break the constraints of their old thinking, after all, when you hit the bottom, there is only one way to go, and that's up (unfortunately, this is not the case with governments).
That is the way the world is going now, there is plenty of misery and suffering at hand the world over, but the undercurrent is one of a tremendous uprising in spirit. It is almost like an underground resistance breaking through the smegma and fog of human suffering. This resistance has many faces, the most powerful of which is the coming together of many like minded individuals. As more and more people unite in one common cause, so their voice becomes a cacophony of power to be reckoned with.
This is the most natural and instinctive reflex action within the human spirit - how do the sayings go? A trouble shared is a trouble halved, and together we stand, divided we fall, true enough I would say.
Unfortunately, people haven't yet begun to realise that we have a very smart enemy to deal with before we can all truly unite into one voice, and that is, as in all countries, their governments. This is not meant to be a political article by any means, I am just stating absolute fact.
Here is the prime example: The Criminal Justice Bill. Sneaked in very quietly, and advertised with only the best interests at heart; Imagine this scenario. The ruling elite know that they are rapidly losing control over a great many people, because they are refusing to be walked all over anymore, they have quite literally had enough. The poor are starting to rob the elite instead of each other (that was never supposed to happen as far as they were concerned) and radical new groups of free thinking people are popping up all over the place complaining about the never ending industrial waste and environmental problems. There are widespread cult problems as individuals search for a higher way of life, leaving behind their old selves. Teenagers rebel in the only way they know how by going to huge parties out in the open fields called raves to try to forget the misery within the cities.
Yes, the ruling elite begin to lose their grip on society, so they slyly fight back with smiles of goodwill on their faces. Pass a bill through Parliament giving the police the right to arrest a group of ten people or more gathered in any public place - simply for gathering in any public place. Can you believe it?
That means that in our field of research, we can now be arrested for gathering on a remote hill to do a UFO skywatch. We will have no right to object, and can be imprisoned or fined a large amount of money, simply because we are a certain number of people! It is the most blatant kick in the face for a so called democratic institution that has been made legislation.
In my opinion though, the power elite have just hammered another nail into their coffin, because once the effects of the bill start to bite, then all hell is really going to break loose. I for one will not stop going to skywatches even if there are a thousand people gathered upon a hill with me, and I know that I am definately not the only one who feels this way. We shall see.
Meanwhile, in the background, something is stirring that will never be contolled by these people, and that is the raising of consciousness. Like I mentioned previously, huge changes are afoot in the thought pool of mankind. The oppression is only serving as an accelerant.
People are starting to feel a kind of hunger, as if they have an empty hole within them that is waiting to be filled, and they do get filled these holes in many a variety of ways, all serving to raise our levels of consciousness. An incredible thing to be seen this past summer was the huge resurgence in interest about the crop circles and formations within the public eye.
It is not at all uncommon for UFO & Crop circle researchers to be first on the scene at a new formation in the early hours of the morning, mainly because we like to be up the night watching the skies, and get the thrill of being the first to discover a new formation when the sun comes up by roaring around Wiltshire in our cars.
This year though, it was so very gratifying to see that non-croppies were suddenly stopping their cars on the side of the road to get out and stare in awe at the beauty and complexity of the new formation at hand. I have felt within myself over the summer of 94 a renewed passion for the environment, and I can honestly say that is an effect of the formations.
This was confirmed to me because I saw it happening to people who had never seen a crop formation before. It was as if a key was being turned within the soul which released a seed of positivity and questing. And with the wonderment of a child, that person would pine to be near those formations all the time.
Inevitably, that person becomes interested in the intrigue which surrounds the formations, and begins to meet fellow individuals who tell them that for a croppie or a UFO researcher, all roads seem to lead to Wiltshire, then Avebury and Alton Barns, Knapp hill and almost certainly to the Ufologist and croppie retreat, a pub by a canal in Alton called The Barge. All of a sudden, you have a new family, a new home almost, as many people have become so enamored with the positive energies of the area that they have moved there either into a house, a caravan, a tent or just hobo around the area in a camper van.
One researcher travelled down from Swansea at the beginning of the crop circle season (march/april) and stayed encamped within his camper van in Alton Barnes and Knapp hill until september, all the while carrying out studies of the areas' magical qualities (ley-lines, monoliths, crop circles etc) with some complicated monitoring equiptment, but all the while feeling positive and charged up and at one with the land.
The area is a virtual intergalactic highway with many UFO reports, some caught, like I managed to myself, on video cameras. Some of these sightings precede a crop formation, and when that happens, it is like a brick in the face of the anorak sceptics.
Of course, there are hoaxers out there acting the fools under the stars, but their time is running out as researchers are investing in powerful night-sights and halogen beams to catch them, and when they do get caught...... Well, they'll find out. They are not really anything to worry about in my opinion, as a matter of fact, they might not know it, but they could be being manipulted by some higher source. Da-da-da-daaa!
There do seem to be some hoaxer types who are involved in government payouts for trying to put the researchers off the track of the genuine articles ( often found in the middle of nowhere). One farmer local to Avebury, was supposed to have been paid £300.00 to go and shear out the internal patterns of a galaxy formation by one of the hoaxers, apparantly, he was doing it on behalf of the Ministry of Defence as some of the formations, especially the complicated ones do a lot more than turn etheric keys within people, they are actually supposed to carry within their designs the principles for communication on a ratio known as the Diatonic.
Simplified, this means that mathematical geometrics can be interpreted into sounds, waveforms and colours in and out of the normal visual spectrum. Interesting stuff, and to think, we now have intelligent plasma vortexes going around spinning mathematical equations. Perhaps now we know why the rampant hedgehogs were once blamed for the circles in the corn, they are all really geniuses adept at the principles of quantum Euclidean mechanics... Way! Hay!
But wait a minute, what about our great friends Doug Bower and Dave Chorley? Surley they haven't upgraded their wooden boards to scientific computers just for "a bit of fun"?
Sue Blackmore, come back, all is forgiven!
Whether it is understood or not, something extraordinary is afoot in those Wiltshire hills, and has been for sometime - from Arthur Shuttlewoods nine foot beings rampaging around the undergrowth to a formation that turned up this last summer which was dubbed "The eye of Horus". Quite unique when you take into account that it appeared in Eastfield on the Carson land which is overlooked from Knapp hill and Adams grave which are mecca areas for Ufologists who often shine one million candle watt halogen lamps down into the field to check for hoaxers.
It could be interpreted as the watchers watching the watchers. Quite paradoxical, unique to say the least.
One thing is for certain, given the amount of publicity the strange and arcane is receiving on television at the moment, and if it continues into the summer of 1995, then we can expect a lot of coverage and interest again in these amazing corn carvings, maybe it'll take off again like it did in the early nineties, only now, Doug and Dave will have walking sticks in their hands instead of boards. It makes you wonder doesn't it? Maybe you saw the very first episode of Schofields Quest, or was it the second, which featured Reg Presley giving the sensible info on the mystery of the circles and Doug Bower doing his famous but very worn out "I did them all for a bit of a laugh" bit.
Dougie was given far too much airtime for a start, but I suppose since he is a superstar now, he is entitled to it (he didn't look too steady on his legs though did he? Must be his grand old age and all the many miles walking the corn fields).
Anyway, that is enough of that, I have strayed way off the objective of this article. Apologies for my prattlings.
We are heading into the new millenium now, and in all the ancient texts, manuscripts and black books are prophecies which state that these next few years are going to be filled with turmoil, but the old age will die with the turmoil, and the new age will be born. Are the crop circles ushering in that new age of spiritual development? They certainly seem to have a big effect on the consciousness of the people who are witness to them, an effect which grows from a seed within them, whereby many things pale into insignificance when compared to the fact that Crop formations and UFO's and the human thought patterns are very closely intertwined.
In these difficult times, it is good to know that something so very simple as a shape in a cornfield can be responsible for tremendous changes within an individuals' psyche leading them towards an appreciation for environmental care, gets their mind to open up to unimaginable possibilities and promotes a group feeling amongst other researchers of friendship and comradeship.
I think we can look ahead to 1995 with great expectations, for as this spiritual power grows within the populace, so we are brought closer to the cosmic intelligence that maybe waiting not for when the time is right, but for when the people are ready spiritually for contact.
A big hello and a salute to Tom & Kerry Blower (I still think you guys are Nordics), Gadget, Chris Fowler the skateboarding ufologist, Paul (C.B.) Vigay and Jan, Steve Alexander,Reg Presley, Karen Presley, Vickie & Vince, Andy (I'll never get my hair combed) and Sue Batey, Colin Andrews, Busty (am I grinning) Taylor, Russell (the MI5 secret operative), Paul Hailey, Mary Bennett, Andy Collins, Ron Russell,
Steve Coyne, Peter Sorenson, Adrian and the patient pint pullers at the Barge, Gonzo (in your face), Steve (F.A.R.) Charles, Peter Hewitt (toldyouso) finally but not least to our South Wales Guru - The Pear for not giving straight answers!!
Cheers all!!
(Kill Dan O'Neill) (?-ed)
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