The Awakening by Kerry Blower
Although the word "awakening" sounds religious, it must not be confused with the old meaning of a religious experience and what that brings to mind. My awakening, like thousands of others has been a profound and life- changing experience.
Although we all have totally different awakenings the common denominators are always the same, ie a sense of unfulfilment with the material world, a sense of wanting to go home, a feeling of not belonging any more to the masses and how they think and behave.
People who have had a religious experience always talk about Jesus or God. people who have a (new age) awakening (for want of a better word) sometimes have a feeling of belonging to a family of extraterrestrials, or a being of light as their "gods".
There is nothing more wonderful in the world than when you meet someone who has been going through the awakening process and all the steps of it are the same as yours. Your life is filled with mystical synchronicities that are so incredible that you would want to tell the world. Your love of nature increases so that you begin to understand the true meaning of the love of nature. You begin to be extremely sensitive to other people's presences and personalities.
Most people say that they understood more about history, geography and sciences etc. after having an awakening than they ever understood at school. This is because the awakening sends you on a quest that involves looking back at how we got here and where we are going.
You delve into astronomy, astrology, healing, UFO's and much more including unorthodox science and other religions. The one thing that I like about the awakening is that it is unbiased against all the religions. It looks at them all and understands they share the same common thread as each other.
People change their eating habits, lose old friends, change their style of clothing, old habits die and new ones are born, routines get turned upside down, beliefs expand into new ideals and in a sense the person is reborn as another personality. They have a need to find others of like mind and the new friends they find are usually for life. This must be the new age consciousness and it is very powerful.
I can predict, because I feel it in my soul, that in approximately five years - we will not recognise our world. Before these individuals have their awakening experience, they will take orders from any self appointed higher power. Governments will have to fall or drastically change their way of treating people, because people who have woken up will not be blinded by another persons' dominating or dictative actions.
One person who I admire is David Icke, he gets some ridicule, but his soul knows the truth, as many of us are starting to realise the truth within ourselves. When you get involved with this subject you realise that you have some sort of mission to fulfil, there is no going back once you have started and the thrill of the quest becomes stronger with each step down that one-way road. This becomes clearer as the confirmations from other sources flood in.
I could not have wished for a better thing to happen to me. I started to wake up in 1990 and it has been the best ongoing experience of my life.
Kerry Blower
THE AGE OF LOVE by Kerry Blower
When the eagle protects the finch
and the bear gives his food to the deer,
When the world has found a new balance
and her people confront their own fear,
A light shall come from the heavens
to take the world up to the next stage.
When they have conquered all of their darkness
they shall then enter into the New Age.
So we send love and light to her people
so in turn they can heal the sick earth.
We watch you from other worlds way up high and rejoice to see your rebirth.
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