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Paul looks through air breather grille |
"Backdoor" entrance to Quarry |
air breather to Quarry below |
Basil Hill Baracks and lots of caravans. |
Unidentified show near RNSD Spring Quarry |
PLSD Porton Down this place changes it name more than a whores knickers and for suitably smelly reasons. |
A breather found in the countryside for the Box railway tunnel |
Box railway tunnel south side, the RNSD Quarry is sandwiched between the rail level and the top of the hill you see here. |
Corsham Computer Centre fire cards for Fire Brigade |
Evidence of a working underground facility |
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Old codger in charge of security for a nuclear comand and control centre, only in Britain huh! |
CDCN Bunker with breathers on top of building and gun emplacements. |
Pubic houses situated right next to the ramp walkway down into the CCC. Nothing but open road and minor fence seperates the two. |
CDCN side view - air generator and air cleaning equipmnet probably resides here on the surface. | Colern airbase, the "disused" airbase that looks pretty well used to me, its own fully occupied barracks and Sattelite disks for the Skynet Sattelites which are for British Military communications and possibly UFO interception. | The Colerne Runways are kept better than many large airports and the hangwers always paid to be maintaned. Disused, I dont think so... kept ready for quick landings of important aircraft perhaps? |
1001 Signal Squadron hardened buildings and nuclear proof dishes visible here. 1001 obviously links to the CDCN somehow. |
More Colerne. |
Colerne strip, tower visible upper right. |
Northern side of Colerne. |
More Colerne. |
More Colerne. |
More Colerne. |
More Colerne. |
More Colerne. |
More Colerne. |
Underground quarry tourist centre. These tunnels adjoin the CDCN and are used as an escape route. |
The tower at Colerne |
Rudloe Site 2 - RNSD Spring Quarry entrance - note chimney stack in the small building. Generators? |
Police guard point upper right, allegedly has a lift to underground. Unconfirmed. |
On of the imfamous "dog walkers" who seem to lurk around the base and have keys to let themselves in back ways to base. Dog walking my arse. Covert security... yup. |
Disused base south of RNSD known as Royal Arthur. A real dump now vandalised to hell. |
note chimney stack in the small building. Generators? |
Royal Arthur |
Kelvedon Hatch bunker in Essex, a house looking exterior hides a bunker entrance and long walkway into the safe deep underground bunker. For parliament use so they say. Bit small if you ask me. | Kelvedon hatch dorms | |
Kelvedon hatch wide angle photo |
Kelvedon hatch now a visitor centre, worth a look. |
Kelvedon hatch |
The owner of Kelvedon Hatch bunker. A very nice chap. He gives you the tour. |
Haunted pub at Monkton Farleigh, the Kings Arms |
Haunted pub at Monkton Farleigh, the Kings Arms |
Porton Down road into base |
Lifts in Monks Park quarry |
Lifts in Monks Park quarry |
monks park tramway into underground, you can drive a car onto tram which takes you underground. This is the head entrance. |
Quard shack at Monks Park, unmanned. |
View out over the lovely downhill countryisde from Rudloe Manor. The bunkers are build on tops of hills where water will flow out and away from the quarries (usually). | |
Quarrymans Arms is a great place to get food before going on a explore in the Quarries. They also have underground maps for sale so you "might" not get lost. |
The types of gear you need to go underground, hard hat esential its so easy to bang your head and you could knock yourself out without one. Water and many torches of long life variety. It canoften be 10 hours walking underground. A compass is essential to find your bearings. | Helmet torches are handy to see where you are going with your hands free. |
Old disused guard point for RSND Spring Quarry |
Old disused guard point for RSND Spring Quarry |
The Hawthorn Burlington Bunker scalator and lift entrance to underground. Visible from road as you drive past. |
The Hawthorn Burlington Bunker scalator and lift entrance to underground. Visible from road as you drive past. | ||
See if you can spot the hidden liftshaft here. Clue, vehicles would drive un under cover and unload into it. |
Rudloe Site 2, RNSD Hawthorn Entrance and microwave tower and the housing estate above. |
Rudloe Site 2, RNSD Hawthorn Entrance and microwave tower and the housing estate above. |
Lower south half of RNSD and Basil Hill Barracks |
Close up of the bunker entrances and air breathers |
Lower south half of RNSD and Basil Hill Barracks bit of HMS Royal Arthur shows |
North side of RNSD showing housing estate and microwave tower. | South side RNSD and basil Hill Barracks | wide angle photo of Rudloe site 2 and basil hill barracks, CDCN is also visible. |
South Rudloe site 2 |
Guardhouse to main road upper part of photo and to the right of guardhouse is air breather round structure. | Close up on the bunker entrances RNSD and left hand side shows interesting air breather holes with fence around. This is a seperate sured area inside the base permiter. Seems a vehicle could drive into that lift. |
View to the North West of Rudloe Site 2 showing the valley and off into the distance the M4. Rudloe Site 1 is visible here. | Close up on the bunker entrances RNSD and the escalator bunker which is visible from the road (shown in above photo) the roadway is visuible above the bunker entrance. | West side of RNSD showing industrial estate upper and lower is the base with small offices. |
Air breathers and this photo shows a bunker entrance which is most likely a slope shaft with stairs down into the underground. | Close up on the slope shaft and lift and airbreathers also visible, one which has pipes protruding from the breather. Unknown what function the pipes have. | Random buildings near the wooded side of RNSD. |
Rudloe Site 1 the Manor House itself and the control centre for the ROTOR bunker which was a wartime control unit for the "Southern Sector" | Panorama showing site 2 bottom through to Site 1 in the upper half of the photo. | Rudloe Site 1 the Manor House itself and the control centre for the ROTOR bunker which was a wartime control unit for the "Southern Sector" |
Bit of escalator entrance bunker and upper half shows buildings used by contractors connected to Bulding services based at Basil Hill Barracks. | Rudloe Site 1 next to the Manor building, newer offices must be the P&SS former headquarters up until early 2000-2005 when they moved to RAF Henlow. | South of Rudloe Site 2 |
Guardhouse Rudlo site 2 showing across road to the Industrial estate. | Rudloe site 2 | Rudloe site 2 |
Rudloe site 2 those pipes from the air breather again | A little further away from the Guard house and an air breather is visible near the trees. | Guard house and the lower right air breather visible. |
Rudloe Manor itself. | The guard house and stop check point for Rudloe Manor building and the P&SS. If you get this far youll probably have guys with guns pointing them in your face. | View from below Rudloe Manor up the farm track back to the side road which has the old Manor gates on it. |
Guard house and microwave tower. | Sign post for RAF Rudloe Manor om the main road | Rudloe Site 1 guard house further back, it was a badly lit day |
Desolate shack next to Rudloe Manor site 1 |
Those pipes for the air breather are visible here. |
"The Pink Flamingo" a cross between Butlins and Dantes Inferno. Shit shithole is where the RAF boys drink their whiles away. Good for gathering information on the bases from drunk airmen. |
Microwave tower. |
A minor quarrying expedition led by myself - note everyone has hard hats! | Intrepid Daryl Smith on the left and Chris Fowler on the right. |
preparing to go underground. | Seems we arent the only ones who have made the Alien connection to P&SS Rudloe Manor. |
Dr who would be at home here with the Brick daleks. Someone must have been bored. Theres lots more surprises underground like this. |
More soldier/dalek thingies. |
Another above ground shot. |
Wateroproof gloves can be handy too, and clothes you dont mind getting shredded. | Here we encounter a grille with hole cut out of it which requires you to be birthed by your friends through. |
Stonehenge and the pyramids. |
Dan and a founder member of the Piratebay |
This is a bad photo of an old bunker door. We have no idea what is on the other side. |
This is a main bunker door to the Spring Quarry labyrinth of roads and Burlington. Locked |
A face carved in the soft rock |
Standing in the huge cavern known as the "Cathedral" which has a hole opening to the surface |
Explaining to people where we are on the map and how to use the compass. Do they trust me to get them out? |
Maps by torchlight - perhaps bringing 2 compasses is a good idea! |
Lots of loose rocks have to be navigated in some sections of the quarry. Chris Fowler here. | Squeezing through some cut grilles to gain further access to the mines. |
Bulkheads doors into Burlington block our way |
Monks Park quarry inside, showing real roads and items stored for the military |
Victory at last, penetration of an underground bunker by Richard Conway and myself in 1997. Yipeeee. Its MAASIVE! |
yes you can drive a car down here or even a van. Tarmac roads and checkpoints underground. Lights on all year round. |
All your bases be ours |
Monks park... more road and more roads. |
More roads and more roads, you just cannot believe how big these places are until you get lost in one! Makes getting lost in Ikea a holiday! |